Cell是Cell Press细胞出版社旗下的旗舰刊,创办于1974年,由Elsevier公司出版发行。这是一本多学科期刊,包括但不限于细胞生物学、分子生物学、神经科学、免疫学、病毒学和微生物学、癌症、人类遗传学、系统生物学、信号传导和疾病机制和疾病治疗。该期刊为双周刊,影响因子为45.5。
2024年7月11日,Volume 187(Issue 14):p3461-3786
1.Temporal dynamics of woolly mammoth genome erosion prior to extinction
A number of species have recently recovered from near-extinction. Although these species have avoided the immediate extinction threat, their long-term viability remains precarious due to the potential genetic consequences of population declines, which are poorly understood on a timescale beyond a few generations. Woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) became isolated on Wrangel Island around 10,000 years ago and persisted for over 200 generations before becoming extinct around 4,000 years ago. To study the evolutionary processes leading up to the mammoths’ extinction, we analyzed 21 Siberian woolly mammoth genomes. Our results show that the population recovered quickly from a severe bottleneck and remained demographically stable during the ensuing six millennia. We find that mildly deleterious mutations gradually accumulated, whereas highly deleterious mutations were purged, suggesting ongoing inbreeding depression that lasted for hundreds of generations. The time-lag between demographic and genetic recovery has wide-ranging implications for conservation management of recently bottlenecked populations.
近年来,一些物种已从濒临灭绝的状态恢复过来。尽管这些物种避免了立即灭绝的威胁,但由于种群数量下降可能带来的遗传后果,它们的长期生存能力仍然很弱,而这种后果在几代人以上的时间尺度上尚未得到充分认识。大约1万年前,长毛猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)在弗兰格尔岛(Wrangel Island)上被孤立起来,并在那里延续了200多代,于4000年前灭绝。为了研究导致猛犸象灭绝的进化过程,该研究分析了21个西伯利亚长毛猛犸象基因组。研究结果显示,该种群从严重的种群瓶颈中迅速恢复过来,并在随后的6000年里保持了稳定的种群数量增长。该研究发现,轻微有害的突变逐渐积累,而高度有害的突变则被清除,这表明近亲繁殖衰退持续了数百代。种群数量和基因恢复之间的时间差对最近经历了种群瓶颈的物种的保护管理具有广泛的影响。
2. Three-dimensional genome architecture persists in a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth skin sample
Analyses of ancient DNA typically involve sequencing the surviving short oligonucleotides and aligning to genome assemblies from related, modern species. Here, we report that skin from a female woolly mammoth (†Mammuthus primigenius) that died 52,000 years ago retained its ancient genome architecture. We use PaleoHi-C to map chromatin contacts and assemble its genome, yielding 28 chromosome-length scaffolds. Chromosome territories, compartments, loops, Barr bodies, and inactive X chromosome (Xi) superdomains persist. The active and inactive genome compartments in mammoth skin more closely resemble Asian elephant skin than other elephant tissues. Our analyses uncover new biology. Differences in compartmentalization reveal genes whose transcription was potentially altered in mammoths vs. elephants. Mammoth Xi has a tetradic architecture, not bipartite like human and mouse. We hypothesize that, shortly after this mammoth’s death, the sample spontaneously freeze-dried in the Siberian cold, leading to a glass transition that preserved subfossils of ancient chromosomes at nanometer scale.
古DNA的分析通常涉及对存留的短寡核苷酸进行测序,并将其与现代相关物种的基因组组装进行比对。该研究报告了一只52,000年前死亡的雌性猛犸象(†Mammuthus primigenius)的皮肤保留了其古老的基因组结构。该研究使用古染色质捕获技术(PaleoHi-C)来绘制染色质接触图谱,并组装其基因组,得到了28条染色体长度的支架。染色体领域、区域隔室、环状结构、巴氏小体和失活X染色体(Xi)超域仍然存在。猛犸象皮肤中的活性和非活性基因组区域更接近亚洲象皮肤,而非其他象类组织。该研究的分析揭示了新的生物学信息。区域化的差异揭示了在猛犸象与象类之间可能发生转录改变的基因。猛犸象的Xi染色体具有四部分结构,而不像人类和小鼠那样是二分的。该研究推测,在这只猛犸象死亡后不久,样本在西伯利亚的寒冷中自发冷冻干燥,导致玻璃化转变,从而在纳米尺度上保留了古染色体的亚化石。
3. The genomic and cellular basis of biosynthetic innovation in rove beetles
How evolution at the cellular level potentiates macroevolutionary change is central to understanding biological diversification. The >66,000 rove beetle species (Staphylinidae) form the largest metazoan family. Combining genomic and cell type transcriptomic insights spanning the largest clade, Aleocharinae, we retrace evolution of two cell types comprising a defensive gland—a putative catalyst behind staphylinid megadiversity. We identify molecular evolutionary steps leading to benzoquinone production by one cell type via a mechanism convergent with plant toxin release systems, and synthesis by the second cell type of a solvent that weaponizes the total secretion. This cooperative system has been conserved since the Early Cretaceous as Aleocharinae radiated into tens of thousands of lineages. Reprogramming each cell type yielded biochemical novelties enabling ecological specialization—most dramatically in symbionts that infiltrate social insect colonies via host-manipulating secretions. Our findings uncover cell type evolutionary processes underlying the origin and evolvability of a beetle chemical innovation.
4. A pseudoautosomal glycosylation disorder prompts the revision of dolichol biosynthesis
Dolichol is a lipid critical for N-glycosylation as a carrier for activated sugars and nascent oligosaccharides. It is commonly thought to be directly produced from polyprenol by the enzyme SRD5A3. Instead, we found that dolichol synthesis requires a three-step detour involving additional metabolites, where SRD5A3 catalyzes only the second reaction. The first and third steps are performed by DHRSX, whose gene resides on the pseudoautosomal regions of the X and Y chromosomes. Accordingly, we report a pseudoautosomal-recessive disease presenting as a congenital disorder of glycosylation in patients with missense variants in DHRSX (DHRSX-CDG). Of note, DHRSX has a unique dual substrate and cofactor specificity, allowing it to act as a NAD+-dependent dehydrogenase and as a NADPH-dependent reductase in two non-consecutive steps. Thus, our work reveals unexpected complexity in the terminal steps of dolichol biosynthesis. Furthermore, we provide insights into the mechanism by which dolichol metabolism defects contribute to disease.
5. De novo and salvage purine synthesis pathways across tissues and tumors
Purine nucleotides are vital for RNA and DNA synthesis, signaling, metabolism, and energy homeostasis. To synthesize purines, cells use two principal routes: the de novo and salvage pathways. Traditionally, it is believed that proliferating cells predominantly rely on de novo synthesis, whereas differentiated tissues favor the salvage pathway. Unexpectedly, we find that adenine and inosine are the most effective circulating precursors for supplying purine nucleotides to tissues and tumors, while hypoxanthine is rapidly catabolized and poorly salvaged in vivo. Quantitative metabolic analysis demonstrates comparative contribution from de novo synthesis and salvage pathways in maintaining purine nucleotide pools in tumors. Notably, feeding mice nucleotides accelerates tumor growth, while inhibiting purine salvage slows down tumor progression, revealing a crucial role of the salvage pathway in tumor metabolism. These findings provide fundamental insights into how normal tissues and tumors maintain purine nucleotides and highlight the significance of purine salvage in cancer.
6. MTFP1 controls mitochondrial fusion to regulate inner membrane quality control and maintain mtDNA levels
Mitochondrial dynamics play a critical role in cell fate decisions and in controlling mtDNA levels and distribution. However, the molecular mechanisms linking mitochondrial membrane remodeling and quality control to mtDNA copy number (CN) regulation remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) protein mitochondrial fission process 1 (MTFP1) negatively regulates IMM fusion. Moreover, manipulation of mitochondrial fusion through the regulation of MTFP1 levels results in mtDNA CN modulation. Mechanistically, we found that MTFP1 inhibits mitochondrial fusion to isolate and exclude damaged IMM subdomains from the rest of the network. Subsequently, peripheral fission ensures their segregation into small MTFP1-enriched mitochondria (SMEM) that are targeted for degradation in an autophagic-dependent manner. Remarkably, MTFP1-dependent IMM quality control is essential for basal nucleoid recycling and therefore to maintain adequate mtDNA levels within the cell.
7. POT1 recruits and regulates CST-Polα/primase at human telomeres
POT1 在人类端粒处招募并调节 CST-Polα/引物酶
Telomere maintenance requires the extension of the G-rich telomeric repeat strand by telomerase and the fill-in synthesis of the C-rich strand by Polα/primase. At telomeres, Polα/primase is bound to Ctc1/Stn1/Ten1 (CST), a single-stranded DNA-binding complex. Like mutations in telomerase, mutations affecting CST-Polα/primase result in pathological telomere shortening and cause a telomere biology disorder, Coats plus (CP). We determined cryogenic electron microscopy structures of human CST bound to the shelterin heterodimer POT1/TPP1 that reveal how CST is recruited to telomeres by POT1. Our findings suggest that POT1 hinge phosphorylation is required for CST recruitment, and the complex is formed through conserved interactions involving several residues mutated in CP. Our structural and biochemical data suggest that phosphorylated POT1 holds CST-Polα/primase in an inactive, autoinhibited state until telomerase has extended the telomere ends. We propose that dephosphorylation of POT1 releases CST-Polα/primase into an active state that completes telomere replication through fill-in synthesis.
8. The ribotoxic stress response drives UV-mediated cell death
While ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages DNA, eliciting the DNA damage response (DDR), it also damages RNA, triggering transcriptome-wide ribosomal collisions and eliciting a ribotoxic stress response (RSR). However, the relative contributions, timing, and regulation of these pathways in determining cell fate is unclear. Here we use time-resolved phosphoproteomic, chemical-genetic, single-cell imaging, and biochemical approaches to create a chronological atlas of signaling events activated in cells responding to UV damage. We discover that UV-induced apoptosis is mediated by the RSR kinase ZAK and not through the DDR. We identify two negative-feedback modules that regulate ZAK-mediated apoptosis: (1) GCN2 activation limits ribosomal collisions and attenuates ZAK-mediated RSR and (2) ZAK activity leads to phosphodegron autophosphorylation and its subsequent degradation. These events tune ZAK's activity to collision levels to establish regimes of homeostasis, tolerance, and death, revealing its key role as the cellular sentinel for nucleic acid damage.
9. TNF-NF-κB-p53 axis restricts in vivo survival of hPSC-derived dopamine neurons
Ongoing, early-stage clinical trials illustrate the translational potential of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-based cell therapies in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, an unresolved challenge is the extensive cell death following transplantation. Here, we performed a pooled CRISPR-Cas9 screen to enhance postmitotic dopamine neuron survival in vivo. We identified p53-mediated apoptotic cell death as a major contributor to dopamine neuron loss and uncovered a causal link of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)-nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling in limiting cell survival. As a translationally relevant strategy to purify postmitotic dopamine neurons, we identified cell surface markers that enable purification without the need for genetic reporters. Combining cell sorting and treatment with adalimumab, a clinically approved TNF-α inhibitor, enabled efficient engraftment of postmitotic dopamine neurons with extensive reinnervation and functional recovery in a preclinical PD mouse model. Thus, transient TNF-α inhibition presents a clinically relevant strategy to enhance survival and enable engraftment of postmitotic hPSC-derived dopamine neurons in PD.
10. Clonal hematopoiesis driven by mutated DNMT3A promotes inflammatory bone loss
Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) arises from aging-associated acquired mutations in hematopoietic progenitors, which display clonal expansion and produce phenotypically altered leukocytes. We associated CHIP-DNMT3A mutations with a higher prevalence of periodontitis and gingival inflammation among 4,946 community-dwelling adults. To model DNMT3A-driven CHIP, we used mice with the heterozygous loss-of-function mutation R878H, equivalent to the human hotspot mutation R882H. Partial transplantation with Dnmt3aR878H/+ bone marrow (BM) cells resulted in clonal expansion of mutant cells into both myeloid and lymphoid lineages and an elevated abundance of osteoclast precursors in the BM and osteoclastogenic macrophages in the periphery. DNMT3A-driven clonal hematopoiesis in recipient mice promoted naturally occurring periodontitis and aggravated experimentally induced periodontitis and arthritis, associated with enhanced osteoclastogenesis, IL-17-dependent inflammation and neutrophil responses, and impaired regulatory T cell immunosuppressive activity. DNMT3A-driven clonal hematopoiesis and, subsequently, periodontitis were suppressed by rapamycin treatment. DNMT3A-driven CHIP represents a treatable state of maladaptive hematopoiesis promoting inflammatory bone loss.
11. Structure-based discovery of CFTR potentiators and inhibitors
基于结构的 CFTR 增强剂和抑制剂的发现
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a crucial ion channel whose loss of function leads to cystic fibrosis, whereas its hyperactivation leads to secretory diarrhea. Small molecules that improve CFTR folding (correctors) or function (potentiators) are clinically available. However, the only potentiator, ivacaftor, has suboptimal pharmacokinetics and inhibitors have yet to be clinically developed. Here, we combine molecular docking, electrophysiology, cryo-EM, and medicinal chemistry to identify CFTR modulators. We docked ∼155 million molecules into the potentiator site on CFTR, synthesized 53 test ligands, and used structure-based optimization to identify candidate modulators. This approach uncovered mid-nanomolar potentiators, as well as inhibitors, that bind to the same allosteric site. These molecules represent potential leads for the development of more effective drugs for cystic fibrosis and secretory diarrhea, demonstrating the feasibility of large-scale docking for ion channel drug discovery.
12. Modulation of FGF pathway signaling and vascular differentiation using designed oligomeric assemblies
Many growth factors and cytokines signal by binding to the extracellular domains of their receptors and driving association and transphosphorylation of the receptor intracellular tyrosine kinase domains, initiating downstream signaling cascades. To enable systematic exploration of how receptor valency and geometry affect signaling outcomes, we designed cyclic homo-oligomers with up to 8 subunits using repeat protein building blocks that can be modularly extended. By incorporating a de novo-designed fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)-binding module into these scaffolds, we generated a series of synthetic signaling ligands that exhibit potent valency- and geometry-dependent Ca2+ release and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway activation. The high specificity of the designed agonists reveals distinct roles for two FGFR splice variants in driving arterial endothelium and perivascular cell fates during early vascular development. Our designed modular assemblies should be broadly useful for unraveling the complexities of signaling in key developmental transitions and for developing future therapeutic applications.
13. Heterologous survey of 130 DNA transposons in human cells highlights their functional divergence and expands the genome engineering toolbox
Experimental studies on DNA transposable elements (TEs) have been limited in scale, leading to a lack of understanding of the factors influencing transposition activity, evolutionary dynamics, and application potential as genome engineering tools. We predicted 130 active DNA TEs from 102 metazoan genomes and evaluated their activity in human cells. We identified 40 active (integration-competent) TEs, surpassing the cumulative number (20) of TEs found previously. With this unified comparative data, we found that the Tc1/mariner superfamily exhibits elevated activity, potentially explaining their pervasive horizontal transfers. Further functional characterization of TEs revealed additional divergence in features such as insertion bias. Remarkably, in CAR-T therapy for hematological and solid tumors, Mariner2_AG (MAG), the most active DNA TE identified, largely outperformed two widely used vectors, the lentiviral vector and the TE-based vector SB100X. Overall, this study highlights the varied transposition features and evolutionary dynamics of DNA TEs and increases the TE toolbox diversity.
关于DNA可转座元件(TEs)的实验研究规模有限,导致对影响转座活性、进化动态以及作为基因组工程工具应用潜力的因素理解不足。该研究从102个后生动物基因组中预测了130个活跃DNA TEs,并在人类细胞中评估了它们的活性。该研究确定了40个具有活性(具有整合能力)的TEs,超过了之前发现的TEs总数(20个)。基于这些统一的比较数据,该研究发现Tc1/mariner超家族显示出较高的活性,这可能解释了它们普遍的水平转移现象。进一步对TEs的功能特征进行表征揭示了它们在插入偏好等特征上的额外差异。值得注意的是,在治疗血液和实体肿瘤的CAR-T疗法中,已鉴定的最活跃DNA TE——Mariner2_AG(MAG),大大优于两种广泛使用的载体,即慢病毒载体和基于TE的载体SB100X。总体而言,该研究强调了DNA TEs的多样化转座特征和进化动态,并增加了TE工具箱的多样性。