您好,欢迎访问四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 Hello, welcome to the website of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University.

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery



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YuZhao&JianJun Ren Reseaech Group

团队简介Team Introduction


The research groups led by Professor Yu Zhao and Jianjun Ren were established in 2019, focusing on two key areas: head and neck oncology and otology. The team currently comprises over 40 members and has undertaken more than 40 research projects funded at the national, provincial, municipal, and institutional levels. With a combined project funding of nearly 10 million RMB, the groups have published over 100 SCI-indexed papers and obtained more than 10 invention patents and software copyrights, three of which have been successfully commercialized, and one has received a CFDA medical device certificate.

团队研究领域Research Areas


This research field covers various aspects of otology and head and neck oncology, ranging from basic to clinical applications:


Head and neck cancer immunity and treatment: By integrating single-cell transcriptomics, single-cell TCR sequencing, and spatial transcriptomics, etc., a map of the immune microenvironment in head and neck cancer is drawn, exploring the immune regulation mechanisms of T cells in the immune microenvironment of head and neck cancer, providing molecular and cellular basis for the development of novel immunotherapeutic approaches for head and neck cancer. Based on the microenvironment, new immunotherapeutic strategies are explored to enhance patients' immune response to head and neck cancer and improve treatment outcomes.


Development of Therapeutic Vaccines for Head and Neck Tumors: Promote the development and optimization of novel therapeutic vaccines for head and neck tumors through an integrated, streamlined vaccine research system, covering target identification, antigen sequence modification, carrier optimization, efficacy and safety evaluation, and immune mechanism elucidation.


The mechanism of tumor initiation, progression, and metastasis: Based on CRISPR-Cas9, organoid models, and other technologies, study the mechanism of head and neck tumor initiation, progression, and metastasis, and identify new drug targets. Then, use high-throughput genomics and artificial intelligence technologies to screen for drugs, and develop new drug delivery strategies using small molecule drug targeted delivery systems.


The exploration of the pathogenesis of otitis media inflammatory diseases: By integrating multi-omics approaches, we will map the immune microenvironment of otitis media, cholesteatoma and other otitis media inflammatory diseases, explore the key cell interactions and signaling pathways that regulate inflammation progression, and identify potential intervention targets. We will also combine organoid models and in vitro/in vivo models to evaluate the efficacy of drugs.


Inner Ear Organ Development and Regeneration: By studying transcription factor-signal pathways involved in the development and regeneration of inner ear auditory and vestibular organs, as well as the process of hair cell regeneration, comparing the differences in hair cell development and regeneration among various species, and mining effective targets and mechanisms, new ideas for auditory regeneration can be provided.


Drug Discovery for Sensorineural Hearing Loss: By using cell, mouse basilar membrane, zebrafish, and other research systems, we will explore novel therapeutic drugs and treatment modalities around common sensorineural hearing loss models such as drug-induced, age-related, and noise-induced hearing loss, to aid clinical treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.


Queue data mining: establishing large-scale head and neck tumor specialty queue and hearing and cognitive function queue, utilizing big data analysis to find genetic factors that affect head and neck tumor and hearing health, and promoting the development of precision medicine.

团队构成Team Composition

(1) 首席研究员  (PI):2名

Principal Ivestigator(PI):2 

赵宇 YuZhao


Dr. Yu Zhao is the Director of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. He is a Chief Physician, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor, as well as the Director of the Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Center. Recognized as a leading expert in Sichuan Province, Dr. Zhao holds prominent academic roles, including Standing Committee Member of the Chinese Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Vice Chair of various national and provincial medical committees. He has authored over 150 papers, including more than 80 SCI-indexed publications, and contributed to 16 books. Dr. Zhao leads multiple national and provincial research projects, specializing in otology, rhinology, clinical big data management, artificial intelligence, and digital model development in head and neck diseases.

任建君 Jianjun Ren

现为四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科研究室副主任、研究员、博士生导师、主治医师。在肿瘤免疫、类器官模型、基因编辑技术、疫苗制备、生物信息学数据挖掘等方面接受过系统的科研训练,主要研究方向为头颈肿瘤免疫、临床大数据挖掘以及HPV 疫苗的应用基础研究。以第一/通讯作者身份发表SCI论文40 余篇,包括STTT、npj Vaccine、Elife、Int J Cancer、J Dent Research、J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract、Cancer、Chest、Sleep、Head Neck、Laryngoscope、Ear and Hearing、Hearing Research等。作为项目负责人主持科研项目15项,包括国家自然科学基金(3项)、中国博士后面上项目、四川省科技厅项目(2项)、四川省卫生健康委员会科普项目、成都市科技局项目(2项)等。四川省卫健委中青年骨干人才,担任四川省医学会耳鼻咽喉头颈外科委员会常务委员、成都市抗癌协会肿瘤康复委员会常务理事、四川省医创会头颈肿瘤临床研究分会常务理事、四川省耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会青年委员、Front Med客座编辑/编委、Front Public Health编委,担任Cochrane Database Syst Rev、Plos Medicine、Int J Cancer、Cancers、Laryngoscope、BMJ open、Otolarygology Head And Neck Surgery、Ent-Ear Nose & Throat Journal等10 余种期刊审稿人。

Dr. Jianjun Ren is the Deputy Director of the Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Research Laboratory at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. As a Research Fellow, Doctoral Supervisor, and Attending Physician, she has extensive training in tumor immunology, organoid models, gene-editing technologies, vaccine development, and bioinformatics data mining. Her primary research focuses on head and neck tumor immunology, clinical big data analysis, and fundamental studies of HPV vaccines. Dr. Ren has published over 40 SCI-indexed papers as first or corresponding author in journals such as STTT, npj Vaccines, eLife, International Journal of Cancer, Journal of Dental Research, and Head & Neck. She has led 15 research projects, including three funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and several provincial and municipal grants. Recognized as a young leading talent by the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission, Dr. Ren serves on multiple professional committees and editorial boards and reviews for over 10 academic journals, including Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PLOS Medicine, and The Laryngoscope.


Associate Rssearcher: 1

刘昊天 Haotian Liu

四川大学华西医院耳鼻喉科副主任医师、副研究员。医学博士。四川省卫健委中青年骨干人才,中国康复医学会听力康复委员会青年学组副组长、听力医师学组秘书,中国医师协会耳鼻喉分会听力学组委员、秘书。美国听力学会青年委员会外籍委员,四川省康复医学会听力言语康复专委会青年学组组长。擅长听力下降,耳聋遗传咨询、耳鸣眩晕、助听器验配及人工耳蜗植入综合评估等专业领域。于相关中英文杂志发表学术论文15篇,主持及参加国家自然科学基金、吴阶平国家医学基金、四川省自然科学基金等9项。任Frontiers in digital health及听力学及言语疾病杂志编委。

Dr. Haotian Liu is an Associate Chief Physician and Associate Researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. He holds a Ph.D. in Medicine and is recognized as a young talent by the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission. Dr. Liu serves in several leadership roles, including Deputy Head of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Hearing Rehabilitation Division and Secretary of the Hearing Physicians Group of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Internationally, he is a foreign member of the Youth Committee of the American Audiology Association. His expertise includes hearing loss, genetic counseling for deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, hearing aid fitting, and cochlear implant evaluation. Dr. Liu has published 15 academic papers and led or participated in nine research projects funded by institutions such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Wu Jieping Medical Foundation. He also serves on the editorial boards of Frontiers in Digital Health and the Journal of Audiology and Speech Disorders.


Postdoctoral Fellows: 10

邱轲 Ke Qiu

四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科医师、助理研究员,衰老及老年病机制研究室博士后,曾获八年制国家奖学金(专业排名1/66)、挑战杯四川省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖、四川省互联网+创新创业大赛银奖、日本一三共奖学金和卫材药业奖学金 ,以第一/共一作者身份发表SCI论文15篇,主持四川省自然科学基金青年项目和华西医院专职博士后研发基金项目各一项,参与国家自然科学基金青年及面上项目多项,作为指导教师指导大学生创新创业训练计划创新类项目1项。长期从事HPV相关肿瘤的临床和基础研究,在肿瘤免疫微环境的解析和肿瘤治疗性疫苗的开发和应用上具有丰富的研究经验。

Dr. Ke Qiu is a physician and Assistant Researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Aging and Geriatric Mechanisms Research Laboratory. Dr. Qiu was awarded the National Scholarship for the eight-year program (ranked 1st out of 66), Gold Medal in the "Challenge Cup" Sichuan Province College Students Entrepreneurship Competition, Silver Medal in the Sichuan Province "Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition," and scholarships from Eisai Pharmaceuticals and Santen Pharmaceuticals. He has published 15 SCI papers as the first or co-first author, and is the principal investigator of one Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Project and one West China Hospital Full-Time Postdoctoral R&D Fund Project. He has participated in several National Natural Science Foundation Youth and General Projects. Additionally, he has mentored one college student innovation project under the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program. Dr. Qiu has extensive research experience in both clinical and basic studies on HPV-related tumors, particularly in tumor immune microenvironment analysis and the development and application of therapeutic cancer vaccines.

饶郁芳 Yufang Rao


Dr. Yufang Rao graduated with a Ph.D. from the West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, in 2022, and subsequently stayed on as a faculty member. In December of the same year, she joined the postdoctoral program at Sichuan University and are currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University (supervised by Professors Li Weimin and Zhao Yu), as well as a physician and assistant researcher. Dr. Rao has been dedicated to research on head and neck tumor databases and precision cancer treatment. She has contributed to the establishment and management of large-scale databases, molecular biology experiments, medical statistical analysis, and bioinformatics research, accumulating substantial theoretical and practical experience. Dr. Rao has published more than 20 SCI papers, including 8 as the first or co-first author. She is the principal investigator of one National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund project and one full-time postdoctoral R&D fund project at West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and have participated in four provincial, municipal, and institutional-level research projects.

程丹妮 Danni Cheng


Dr. Danni Cheng is a physician and assistant researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and a postdoctoral fellow at the National Key Laboratory of Biotherapy. Dr. Cheng completed their undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies at the West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, where they studied Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital. She also conducted joint training at the Margaret Cancer Center, University of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Cheng has published 10 SCI papers as the first or co-first author and is the principal investigator of one Youth Fund project from the Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation. She has also participated in several national and provincial-level research projects. Her research focuses on clinical and basic studies of HPV-related head and neck tumors, with extensive experience in tumor pathogenesis, immune microenvironment, and neoantigen targets. Dr. Cheng has received honors such as the National Scholarship, the Gold Award in the Challenge Cup Sichuan Provincial College Students Entrepreneurship Competition, and the Silver Award in the Sichuan Provincial "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

庞文都 Wendu Pang


Dr. WenDu Pang is a physician, postdoctoral fellow, and assistant researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and a member of the Sichuan Provincial Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Society. She obtained their doctorate from the eight-year clinical medicine program at West China, and as the first or co-first author, has published 6 SCI papers (including one highly cited paper and two in B-level journals). Dr. Pang is the principal investigator of one Youth Science Fund project from the National Natural Science Foundation and one project from the West China Hospital postdoctoral research fund. She also guides one university innovation and entrepreneurship training project. Dr. Pang has been continuously involved in basic and clinical research on hearing loss and related diseases, with a focus on large database construction and management, molecular biology experiments, bioinformatics analysis, and genetic research. Dr. Pang has won the Gold Award in the Challenge Cup Sichuan Provincial College Students Entrepreneurship Competition and the Second Prize of the Sichuan Provincial Youth Medical Science and Technology Award.

宋瑶 Yao Song


Dr.Yao Song is the assistant researcher, postdoctoral fellow jointly trained in the department of otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery and the West China National Key Laboratory of Biotherapy. The research focus is on the immune microenvironment of head and neck tumors. As the first or co-first author, she has published 7 SCI papers and have led or participated in 5 provincial and ministerial-level research projects. She has been granted 3 patents and software copyrights. Yao Song has presented at several large-scale domestic and international academic conferences and has been honored with the "Challenge Cup" Sichuan Provincial College Students Entrepreneurship Competition Gold Award and the Kanghong Scholarship, among other accolades.

李俊虹 Junhong Li


Dr. Junhong Li graduated from the eight-year clinical medicine program at West China Clinical Medical College, Sichuan University, and is currently a physician and postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at West China Hospital. As an Assistant Researcher, Dr. Li has published six SCI-indexed papers as first or co-first author and has contributed to several provincial and institutional research projects. With extensive experience in clinical big data and multi-omics studies related to otolaryngological diseases, his primary research focuses on the foundational and clinical aspects of otology, particularly in epidemiology and genomics.

严晓红 Xiaohong Yan


Dr. Xiaohong Yan holds a doctoral degree from an eight-year clinical medicine program and specializes in the precise diagnosis and molecular mechanisms of genetic diseases. She is dedicated to applying artificial intelligence technology to the diagnosis of rare diseases. Dr. Yan has co-authored three professional books and published three SCI-indexed papers as the first author.

邓迪 Di Deng


Dr. Di Deng holds a medical doctorate and is currently a postdoctoral researcher. With extensive experience in clinical practice, teaching, and research in otorhinolaryngology - head and neck surgery, Dr. Deng's primary research focuses on inner ear hair cell development and the pathogenesis and treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. He has published over 10 SCI-indexed papers as first or corresponding author and has led projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department. Dr. Deng also serves as a Youth Committee Member of the Hearing Rehabilitation Division of the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine.

张玉忠 Yuzhong Zhang

博士,四川大学华西医院,耳鼻咽喉头颈外科/罕见病研究院博士后,助理研究员/主治医师。研究方向:耳科学;长期从事听力和眩晕疾病的诊疗。曾赴荷兰Maastricht University Medical Center耳鼻咽喉头颈外科、平衡障碍中心交流学习。目前以第一作者发表学术论文16篇,其中SCI收录4篇,Medline收录5篇,中文核心期刊收录6篇;参编专著1项;以第二身份获得国家实用新型专利2项;参与数项国家/省级科研项目。

Dr. Yuzhong Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher and Assistant Researcher/Attending Physician in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and the Institute of Rare Diseases at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Specializing in otology, she has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating hearing and balance disorders. Dr. Zhang completed a training program at Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, focusing on otolaryngology and balance disorders. She has published 16 academic papers, including 4 in SCI-indexed journals and 5 in Medline-indexed journals, and has contributed to one specialized book. Additionally, she holds two utility model patents and has participated in several national and provincial research projects.

许洋 Yang Xu

四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,助理研究员,2021年毕业于四川大学华西临床医学院,医学博士学位。发表耳鼻咽喉头颈外科领域国际论文10余篇,授权专利7项,转化1项。目前兴趣领域为头颈外科领域生物工程材料的构建与引用,成果以第一作者或共同作者已于包括Bioactive Materials、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、Advanced Hearthcare Materials等国际高水平期刊上发表。

Dr. Yuzhong Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher and Assistant Researcher/Attending Physician in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and the Institute of Rare Diseases at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Specializing in otology, she has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating hearing and balance disorders. Dr. Zhang completed a training program at Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, focusing on otolaryngology and balance disorders. She has published 16 academic papers, including 4 in SCI-indexed journals and 5 in Medline-indexed journals, and has contributed to one specialized book. Additionally, she holds two utility model patents and has participated in several national and provincial research projects.


Data Analysts: 4

舒涛 Tao Shu

遗传学硕士,目前主要从事生物信息学及统计学相关的数据分析工作。能熟练运用 R 语言、Python、Linux和docker等编程语言完成数据平台搭建及分析。具备扎实的生物学基础知识和丰富的科研经验,尤其擅长组学数据分析,包括基因组、蛋白组、代谢组、转录组以及单细胞的单组学分析和多组学整合分析;队列人群中GWAS、TWAS、PheWAS、PWAS、ExWAS、EpiWAS、meGWAS和microGWAS以及演化基因组学;孟德尔随机化分析等。

Tao Shu holds a Master’s degree in Genetics and specializes in bioinformatics and statistical data analysis. Proficient in R, Python, Linux, and Docker, he has extensive experience in building and analyzing data platforms. With a strong foundation in biology and research, he excels in omics data analysis, including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, and single-cell analysis, as well as multi-omics integration. His expertise also includes cohort studies such as GWAS, TWAS, PheWAS, PWAS, ExWAS, EpiWAS, meGWAS, and microGWAS, evolutionary genomics, and Mendelian randomization analysis.

邵秀丽 XiuIi Shao

药学硕士,毕业于中国医科大学,四川大学华西医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科赵宇教授/任建君研究员课题组数据分析师。主要负责转录组、单细胞转录组、空间转录组以及大队列临床数据分析,参与研究生课题设计,参与大数据书籍编写。以第一作者发表SCI文章3篇,参与课题14项,其中5项已发表在Elife、npj Vaccines等期刊上。参与国家自然科学基金项目2项。

XiuIi Shao holds a Master’s degree in Pharmacy from China Medical University and is a data analyst in the research group of Professor Yu Zhao and Researcher Jianjun Ren at the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. She specializes in transcriptomics, single-cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, and large clinical cohort data analysis. Additionally, she contributes to graduate research project design and co-authored big data-related books. Xiuli has published three SCI articles as the first author and participated in 14 research projects, five of which have been published in journals like eLife and npj Vaccines. She has also contributed to two National Natural Science Foundation projects.

杨文杰 Wenjie Yang


Wenjie Yang holds a Master’s degree in Evidence-Based Medicine and is a research associate at the Clinical Research Management Department and the Office of Clinical Research Design and Statistics at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. With extensive experience in clinical trial design, research quality control, and data statistical analysis, his primary research areas include clinical research design (treatment, diagnosis, prognosis), meta-analyses (including network meta-analysis), clinical evidence quality evaluation, AHP hierarchical analysis, database mining, and Phase I-III clinical trial design. Wenjie has published over 10 research papers, including two as the first author.

罗雅欣 Yaxin Luo


Yaxin Luo is a doctoral candidate in Population Health at the University of Bristol Medical School, focusing on the application of statistical methods in epidemiology. Her doctoral research explores the association between maternal migraines and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in offspring. She has published six high-level SCI papers.


Experimental Technician: 3

江传欢 Chuanhuan Jiang


Chuanhuan Jiang holds a Master's degree in Engineering and is an assistant laboratory technician at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. She has published and contributed to four academic papers and participated in one invention patent. Chuanhuan has been involved in several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation (including youth and general projects) and the Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation. Her main responsibilities include safety management and information communication within the research laboratory. Her research focuses on tumor immunotherapy, the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and development, as well as the construction and application of organoid models.

梁艳玲 Yanling Liang


Chuanhuan Jiang holds a Master's degree in Engineering and is an assistant laboratory technician at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. She has published and contributed to four academic papers and participated in one invention patent. Chuanhuan has been involved in several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation (including youth and general projects) and the Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation. Her main responsibilities include safety management and information communication within the research laboratory. Her research focuses on tumor immunotherapy, the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and development, as well as the construction and application of organoid models.

陈欣 Xin Chen

生物与医药专业,工学硕士,四川大学华西医院耳鼻喉头颈外科研究室助理实验师,曾参与并发表2篇European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、2篇Bioorganic Chemistry、1篇 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry ,申请1项小分子的发明专利,主要从事小分子药物对于肿瘤疾病发生发展的机制研究,喉移植免疫治疗相关实验工作。

Xin Chen holds a Master's degree in Engineering, specializing in Biology and Medicine. She is currently an Assistant Laboratory Technician at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Chen has participated in and published two articles in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, two in Bioorganic Chemistry, and one in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. She has also applied for a patent for a small molecule invention. Her primary research focuses on the mechanisms by which small molecule drugs influence the development and progression of tumors, as well as experimental work related to laryngeal transplantation immunotherapy.


Research Assistants: 6 ,listed below are their names and responsibilities.


Hongwei Nie : Assists with daily administrative tasks, financial management, and reimbursements for the research group.


Hongwei Nie : Assists with daily administrative tasks, financial management, and reimbursements for the research group.


Xiaoyan Wu : Responsible for follow-up of head and neck tumor and other specialty chronic disease cohorts.


Ruihua Li : Responsible for sample collection, pre-processing, and management.


Ruihua Li : Responsible for sample collection, pre-processing, and management.


Damei Lu : Responsible for cohort and specialty disease data management and cleaning, and daily outpatient duties.


Current Ph.D. students: 9(Name and Phtots Below)


Current Master's students: 7(Name and Phtots Below)


Graduated Former Students:(Names and Graduation Dates Below)





合作与交流Collaboration and Exchange


Our team has established close collaborative relationships with multiple research groups domestically and internationally, including:

  • Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada

  • Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain

  • University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

  • Thomas Jefferson University, USA

  • National University of Singapore

  • Ghent University, Belgium

  • City University of Hong Kong, China

  • Wenzhou Medical University, China

  • Southeast University,China

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences,China

联系方式Contact Information


yuzhao@wchscu.edu.cn ; Jianjun.Ren@scu.edu.cn

We warmly invite scholars, students, and industry partners interested in our research areas to contact us and explore collaboration opportunities. For more information, please reach out to:

yuzhao@wchscu.edu.cn ;Jianjun.Ren@scu.edu.cn

部分代表性论文Some representative Publications


Representative Publications in Head and Neck Oncology:

1.Danni Cheng #, Ke Qiu #, Yufang Rao #, Minzi Mao #, Li Li, Yan Wang, Yao Song, Junren Chen, Xiaowei Yi, Xiuli Shao, Shao Hui Huang, Yi Zhang, Xuemei Chen, Sisi Wu, Shuaishuai Yu, Jun Liu, Haiyang Wang, Xingchen Peng, Daibo Li, Lin Yang, Li Chen, Zhiye Ying, Yongbo Zheng, Meijun Zheng, Binwu Ying, Xiaoxi Zeng, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu, Geoffrey Liu, Fei Chen*, Haopeng Yu*, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*, Proliferative Exhausted CD8 T Cells Exacerbate Long-lasting Anti-tumor Effects in Human Papillomavirus Positive Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Elife. 2023 Feb 22;12:e82705. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82705

2.Ke Qiu#, Xing Duan#, Minzi Mao#, Yao Song#, Yufang Rao#, Danni Cheng, Lan Feng, Xiuli Shao, Chuanhuan Jiang, Hai Huang, Yan Wang, Huifang Li, Xuemei Chen, Sisi Wu, Dan Luo, Fei Chen, Xingchen Peng, Yongbo Zheng, Haiyang Wang, Jun Liu, Yu Zhao*, Xiangrong Song*, Jianjun Ren*, mRNA-LNP vaccination-based combination immunotherapy elicits enhanced CD8+ T cell immune response against HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer,NPJ Vaccines. 2023 Sep 29;8(1):144. doi: 10.1038/s41541-023-00733-8.

3.Danni Cheng#, Ke Qiu#, Daibo Li#, Minzi Mao#, Yufang Rao#, Yao Song, Lan Feng, Xiuli Shao, Chuanhuan Jiang, Yan Wang, Li Li, Xuemei Chen, Sisi Wu, Haiyang Wang, Jun Liu, Haopeng Yu, Wei Zhang, Fei Chen, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*, Molecular and Transcriptional Basis of Bidirectional CD4+ T Cell Exhaustion in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, MedComm (2020). 2024 Jun 12;5(6):e572.doi: 10.1002/mco2.572. eCollection 2024 Jun.

4.Yufang Rao#, Ke Qiu#, Yao Song#, Minzi Mao#, Lan Feng, Danni Cheng, Junhong Li, Ziyan Zhang, Yuyang Zhang, Xiuli Shao, Wendu Pang, Yan Wang, Xuemei Chen, Chuanhuan Jiang, Sisi Wu, Shuaishuai Yu, Jun Liu, Haiyang Wang, Xingchen Peng, Lin Yang, Li Chen, Xiaosong Mu, Yongbo Zheng, Wei Xu, Geoffrey Liu, Fei Chen, Haopeng Yu, Yu Zhao#, Jianjun Ren#,The diversity of inhibitory receptor co-expression patterns of exhausted CD8+ T cells in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, iScience. 2024 Apr 5;27(5):109668.doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109668. eCollection 2024 May 17.

5.J Ren#, W Xu#, J Su, X Ren, N Bender, S Habbous, J R de Almeida, D P Goldstein, D Cheng, Z Chen, M Mirshams, M Rahini, S H Huang, A Spreafico, A Hansen, J Kim, J Waldron, B Perez-Ordonez, Y Zhao, R Hung, T Waterboer*, G Liu*. HPV Status Improves Classification of Head and Neck Gray Zone Cancers, J Dent Res, Journal of Dental Research, 2019, Vol. 98(8) 879–887, doi: 10.1177/0022034519853771

6.Jianjun Ren#, Wen Yang#, Jie Su, Xue Ren, Rouhi Fazelzad, Tiong Albert, Steven Habbous, David P Goldstein, John R de Almeida, Aaron Hansen, Raymond Jang, Scott V Bratman, Andrew Hope, Ruiqi Chen, Jing Wang, Yang Xu, Danni Cheng, Yu Zhao*, Wei Xu*, Geoffrey Liu*, Human Papillomavirus Prevalence and Prognosis of Squamous Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in the Head and Neck Region, Int J Cancer, 2019 Sep 15;145 (6), 1465-1474, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32164

7.Ren J#, Xu W#, Su J, Ren X, Cheng D, Chen Z, Bender N, Mirshams M, Habbous S, de Almeida JR, Perez-Ordonez B, Goldstein DP, Wang JR, Bratman SV, Huang SH, Jang R, Zhao Y, Waterboer T, Hung RJ*, Liu G*. Multiple imputation and clinico-serological models to predict human papillomavirus status in oropharyngeal carcinoma: An alternative when tissue is unavailable. Int J Cancer. 2020 Apr 15;146(8):2166-2174. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32548. Epub 2019 Jul 23. PubMed PMID: 31269236.

8.Jianjun Ren#, Wendu Pang#,Katrina Hueniken, Ghazal Haddad, Andrew Hope, Shao Hui Huang, Anna Spreafico, Aaron R.Hansen, Bayardo Perez-Ordonez, David Goldstein, Scott Bratman, Wei Zhang, Yu Zhao, Wei Xu, John R. de Almeida, Geoffrey Liu; Longitudinal Health Utility and Symptom-Toxicity Trajectories in Patients with Head and Neck Cancers, cancer. 2021 Oct 1. doi: 10.1002/cncr.33936

9.Zheran Liu#, Yaxin Luo#, Jianjun Ren#, Lianlian Yang, Juejin Li, Zhigong Wei, Yan He, Jingjing Wang, Ruidan Li, Ling He, Xiaoli Mu, Yan Huang, Huan Song*, Xiaolin Hu*, Xingchen Peng*,Association between fish oil supplementation and cancer risk according to fatty fish consumption: A large prospective population-based cohort study using UK Biobank, Int J Cancer. 2021 Sep 24.doi: 10.1002/ijc.33819

10.Jianjun Ren#, Xueping Jing#, Jing Wang, Xue Ren, Yang Xu, Qiuyun Yang, Lanzhi Ma, Yi Sun, Wei Xu, Ning Yang, Jian Zou, Yongbo Zheng, Min Chen, Weigang Gan, Ting Xiang, Junnan An, Ruiqing Liu, Cao Lv, Ken Lin, Xianfeng Zheng, Fan Lou, Yufang Rao, Hui Yang, Kai Liu, Geoffrey Liu, Tao Lu*, Xiujuan Zheng*, Yu Zhao*. Automatic Recognition of Laryngoscopic images using deep learning technique. Laryngoscope, 2020 Feb 18. doi: 10.1002/lary.28539

11.Jiajia Peng#, Jianqing Qiu#, Danni Cheng#, Yufang Rao, Minzi Mao, Ke Qiu, Junhong Li, Fei Chen, Feng Liu, Jun Liu, Xiaosong Mu, Wenxin Yu, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu*, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*, Comparison of Primary B-cell and NKT-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas in Nasopharynx, Nasal cavity and Paranasal sinuses, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 May;168(5):1107-1118. doi: 10.1002/ohn.194.

12.Junhong Li, Yufang Rao, Xiaoyu Wang, Libo Yu, Ke Qiu, Minzi Mao, Yao Song, Wendu Pang, Danni Cheng, Yuyang Zhang, Lan Feng, Xinyi Wang, Xiuli Shao, Yaxin Luo, Yongbo Zheng, Xiaohong Li, Yanhong Xu, Wei Xu*, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*, Prognostic effects of previous cancer history on patients with major salivary gland cancer, Oral Dis. 2023 Feb 5. doi: 10.1111/odi.14530

13.Yao Song, Danni Cheng, Xiaowei Yi, Yufang Rao, Ke Qiu, Minzi Mao, Wendu Pang, Junhong Li, Yongbo Zheng, Renyuan Feng, Xiaoping Song, Shaohui Huang, Geoffrey Liu, Wei Xu,Yu Zhao, Jianjun Ren*,The Role of HPV Status in Patients with Overlapping Grey Zone Cancer in Oral Cavity and Oropharynx,Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol . 2022 Nov 8. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07713-z

14.Yao Song#, Danni Cheng#, Yaxin Luo#, Shaohui Huang,Ke Qiu,Yufang Rao, Minzi Mao,Wendu Pang,Junhong Li,Yongbo Zheng,Yu Zhao,Yan Li*,Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, Dynamic Changes of Hematological Indices in Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy, Acta Otolaryngol,2022 Nov 17;1-7.doi: 10.1080/00016489.2022.2140823

15.Jiajia Peng#, Yongmei Lu#, Li Chen#, Ke Qiu, Fei Chen, Jun Liu, Wei Xu, Wei Zhang, Yu Zhao*, Zhonghua Yu*, Jianjun Ren*, The Prognostic Value of Machine Learning Techniques Versus Cox Regression Model for Head and Neck Cancer, Methods. 2022 Sep;205:123-132. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2022.07.001

16.Danni Cheng#, Yufang Rao#, Jianqing Qiu#, Yao Song, Wendu Pang, Ke Qiu, Yijun Dong, Qiurui Liu, Yu Zhao, Jun Liu*, Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, Survival Outcomes Related to Treatment Modalities in Patients with Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Ear Nose Throat J. 2022 Jul 15;1455613221115608

17.Qiu Ke#, Yao Song#, Yufang Rao#, Qiurui Liu, Danni Cheng, Wendu Pang, Jianjun Ren* and Yu Zhao*,Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of MicroRNAs in Metastasis and Recurrence of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Front Oncol. 2021 Sep 27;11:711171. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.711171

18.Yu-fang Rao#, Jing Wang#, Dan-ni Cheng, Yang Xu, MD; Xue Ren, Wen Yang, Geoffrey Liu, Wei Xu,  Xiao-hong Yan, Yao Song, Yong-bo Zheng, Ping An, Da-lin Zhong, Zhao-ping He, Jian-jun Ren*, Yu Zhao 1*, The Controversy of Pepsinogen A/Pepsin A in Detecting Extra-Gastroesophageal Reflux, J Voice, 2021 Jun 2;S0892-1997(21)00145-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.04.009,

19.Fei Chen#, Jianjun Ren#, Di Deng#, Wendu Pang, Jifeng Liu, Bo Li, Linke Li, Dan Lv, Ji Wang, Feng Xu, Jun Liu, Combination of Modified Free Anterolateral Thigh Skin-Fascia Flap and Pedicled Thoracoacromial Artery Perforator Flap for Entire Circumferential Pharyngoesophageal Defect and External Neck Skin Defect Reconstructions, Dysphagia, 2021 Jan 3.doi: 10.1007/s00455-020-10237-5

20.Rao YF, Cheng DN, Qiu K, Song Y, Zhao Y, Gu D, Ren J*. Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res. 2020 Dec;48(12):300060520971488. doi: 10.1177/0300060520971488. PMID: 33342340; PMCID: PMC7754799.

21.Bin Ji#, Jianjun Ren#, Xiujuan Zheng*,Cong Tan, Rong Ji, Yu Zhao, Kai Liu. A multi-scale recurrent fully convolution neural network for laryngeal leukoplakia segmentation, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,Volume 59, May 2020, 101913.

22.Junhong Li#, Shanshan He#, Jifeng Liu#, Di Deng, Yijun Dong, Wendu Pang, Mao Minzi, Ke Qiu, Jing Zeng, Yao Song, Yufang Rao, Yu Zhao, Xinyin Xu*, Shichuan Zhang&, Ren Jianjun*, Prognostic effects of different treatment modalities for hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: Experience of two tertiary hospitals in southwestern China,Heliyon,2024 Mar 26;10(7):e28496.doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28496. eCollection 2024 Apr 15.  


Representative Publications  in Otolaryngology:

1.Haotian Liu, Xinyi Yao, Weili Kong, Lin Zhang, Jingyuan Si, Xiuyong Ding, Yun Zheng, Yu   Zhao, Cochlear Reimplantation Rate and Cause: a 22-Year, Single-Center Experience, and a Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review, Ear Hear, 2023 Jan-Feb;44(1):43-52

2.Ke Qiu#, Minzi Mao#, Wendu Pang, Di Deng, Jianjun Ren*, Yu Zhao*, The Emerging Roles and Therapeutic Implications of Immunosenescence-mediated Inflammaging in Age-related Hearing Loss, Am J Stem Cells. 2024 Apr 25;13(2):101-109.doi: 10.62347/DTAP3592. eCollection 2024.

3.Junhao Wu, Yong Tao, Di Deng, Zhaoli Meng, Yu Zhao, The applications of CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in genetic hearing loss, Cell Biosci. 2023 May 20;13(1):93. doi: 10.1186/s13578-023-01021-7

4.Wei Hua, Youyou Jin, Xinyi Yao, Xiangling Zhang, Li Li, Wei Zhang, Yu Zhao, Haotian Liu, Allergic contact dermatitis to in-ear headphones occurring in the external ear,Contact Dermatitis. 2024 Jul;91(1):83-85. doi: 10.1111/cod.14556. Epub 2024 Apr 13.

5.Haotian Liu  1 , Xiangling Zhang  1 , Xinyi Yao  1 , Youyou Jin  1 , Min Liu  1 , Zhaoli Meng  1 , Yu Zha, Efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate in auditory brainstem response test: A systematic review and single-arm meta-analysis,Clin Otolaryngol. 2024 Mar;49(2):161-175. doi: 10.1111/coa.14117

6.Di Deng, Xiaoqing Qian, Binjun Chen, Xiaoyu Yang, Yanmei Wang, Fanglu Chi, Yibo Huang, Yu Zhao, Dongdong Ren, Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathway on Polarity Formation of Utricle Hair Cells, Neural Plast. 2021 May 22:2021:9950533. doi: 10.1155/2021/9950533

7.Daibo Li1#, Danni Cheng#, Wenjie Yang#, Ting Chen, Di Zhang, Jianjun Ren*,Yu Zhao*, Current Therapies in Patients with Posterior Semicircular Canal BPPV, a Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis, Otology&Neurotology, 2022 Jan 6.doi:10.1097/MAO. 0000000000003464

8.Ke Qiu#, Wendu Pang#, Jianqing Qiu#, Junhong Li, Danni Cheng, Yufang Rao, Yijun Dong, Minzi Mao, Qiurui Liu, Xiaosong Mu, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, Yu Zhao*, Evaluating the Prognostic Contributions of TNM Classifications and Building Novel Staging Schemes for Middle Ear Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancer Med. 2021 Sep 24. doi: 10.1002/cam4.4306

9.Junhong Li#, Libo Yu#, Ping An#,Wendu Pang, Xiaohong Yan, Di Deng,Yao Song, Minzi Mao, Ke Qiu,Yufang Rao, Danni Cheng, Yuyang Zhang, Lan Feng, Xiaoyu Wang, Ziyan Zhang,Yongbo Zheng, Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, and Yu Zhao*, Low Bone Mineral Density and the Risk of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2023 Dec 3.doi: 10.1002/ohn.600.

10.Wendu Pang#, Junhong Li#, Ke Qiu#, Xiaowei Yi, PMH, Ke Qiu, MD, Yufang Rao, PhD, Yao Song, Di Deng, Minzi Mao, Xiaohong Li, Ning Ma, Daibo Chen, Yi Luo, Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, Yu Zhao, Association between body composition and Sensorineural hearing loss among adults: findings from UK biobank cohort,Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2023 Mar 19. doi: 10.1002/ohn.323.

11.Yongbo Zheng,Ke Qiu,Yangju Fu, Wenjie Yang, Danni Cheng, Yufang Rao, Minzi Mao,Yao Song,Wei Xu*,Jianjun Ren*,Yu Zhao*,Clinical Outcomes of Temporal Bone Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Single-Institution Experience,Cancer Med.2022 Oct 13.doi:10.1002/cam4.5338

12.Jiajia Peng#, Yijun Dong#, Yaxin Luo#, Ke Qiu, Danni Cheng, Yufang Rao, Yao Song, Wendu Pang, Xiaosong Mu, Chunhong Hu, Hongchang Chen, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu*, Jianjun Ren*, Yu Zhao*, The relationship between sleep traits and tinnitus in UK Biobank: a population-based cohort study, Ear Hear. 2022 Oct 3. doi: 10.1097/AUD. 0000000000001273

13.Ke Qiu#, Minzi Mao#, Di Deng#, Chuanhuan Jiang, Li Li, Yongbo Zheng, Jianjun Ren*, Yu Zhao*, Is postauricular injection a systemic or a topical route for inner ear drug delivery? Hear Res. 2022 Jul 13;422:108570. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2022.108570

14.Yufang Rao#, Ke Qiu#, Dalin Zhong#, Danni Cheng#, Minzi Mao, Wendu Pang, Li DaiBO, Yao Song, Junhong Li, Yijun Dong, Yi Zhang, Li Li, Wei Zhang, Yu Haopeng*, Jianjun Ren,* Yu Zhao*, Single-cell Transcriptome Profiling Identifies Phagocytosis-related Dual-feature Cells in A Model of Acute Otitis Media in Rats, Frontiers in Immunology, 2021 Oct 25;12:760954. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.760954. eCollection 2021


Others Representative Publications:

1.Wang J#, Yu Z*, Ren J#, Yang Xu, Pepsin in saliva as a diagnostic biomarker in laryngpharyngeal reflux: a meta-analysis, Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 2018 Mar; 275 (3), 671-678 

2.Wang J#, Yu Z, Ren J#, Effects of pepsin A on heat shock protein 70 response in laryngopharyngeal reflux patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Acta Otolaryngol. 2017 Dec;137(12):1253-1259. 

3.Jian-jun Ren#, Yu Zhao*, Jing Wang#, Xue Ren, Yang Xu, Wenlong Tang, Zhaoping He, PepsinA as a Marker of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Detected in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery,2017, Vol.156(5) 893–900.

4.Jian-jun Ren#, Yu Zhao*, Feng-lin Yang#, Dan Lv, Shi Hung, Jie Zhang, Ping Lin, Shi-Xi Liu, Nan Zhang, Claus Bachert, Effects of Bifidobacterium Breve Feeding Strategy and Delivery Modes on Experimental Allergic Rhinitis Mice, (2015) PLoS ONE,10(10):e0140018. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone. 0140018

5.Yuyang Zhang #, Junhong Li #, Lan Feng#, Yaxin Luo, Wendu Pang, Ke Qiu, Minzi Mao, Yao Song, Danni Cheng, Yufang Rao, Xinyi Wang, Yao Hu, Zhiye Ying, Xiaobin Pu, Shuyan Lin, Shaohui Huang, Geoffrey Liu, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu*, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*,A population-based outcome-wide association study of the comorbidities and sequelae following COVID-19 infection, J Epidemiol Glob Health.2023 Oct 27. doi: 10.1007/s44197-023-00161-w

6.Linfeng Li#,Zhengyu Yu#,Jianjun Ren*,Ting Niu*,Low cholesterol levels are associated with increasing risk of plasma cell neoplasm: A UK biobank cohort study,Cancer Med.2023 Nov 1. doi: 10.1002/cam4.6649.

7.Lan Feng#, Ke Qiu#, Yufang Rao#, Tao Shu, Yao Song, Danni Cheng, Minzi Mao, Junhong Li, Ziyan Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xinghan Zeng, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*,Associations between immune-mediated diseases (IMDs) and the risk of HPV-associated diseases: a UK Biobank cohort analysis, BMJ Open, 2023 Sep 19;13(9):e072249. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072249

8.Ke Qiu#, Minzi Mao#, Yao Hu#, Xiaowei Yi, Yongbo Zheng, Zhiye Ying, Danni Cheng, Yufang Rao, Jun Zhang, Xiaosong Mu, Chuanming Ren, Yanhong Xu, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu*, Yu Zhao*, Jianjun Ren*, Gender-Specific Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cognitive Impairment among Adults, Sleep Med. 2022 Oct;98:158-166. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.07.004

9.Liu, Zheran#; Luo, Yaxin#; Su, Yonglin; Wei, Zhigong; Li, Ruidan; He, Ling; Yang, Lianlian; Pei, Yiyan; Ren, Jianjun*; Peng, Xingchen*; Hu, Xiaolin*,Associations of sleep and circadian phenotypes with COVID-19 susceptibility and severity: an observational cohort study based on UK Biobank and two-sample Mendelian randomization study, sleep,2022 Jun 13;45(6):zsac003.doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac003

10.Jianjun Ren#, Wendu Pang#, Yaxin Luo#, Danni Cheng, Ke Qiu, Yufang Rao, Yongbo Zheng, Yijun Dong, Jiajia Peng, Yao Hu, Zhiye Ying, Haopeng Yu, Xiaoxi Zeng, Zhiyong Zong, Geoffrey Liu, Deyun Wang, Gang Wang, Wei Zhang*, Wei Xu*, Yu Zhao*, Impact of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma on COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization and Mortality, J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Oct 30;S2213-2198(21)01202-2.doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.10.049

11.Jian-jun Ren, Jing Wang,Yu Zhao, Zhaoping He, Could aspiration pepsin be used as a marker of gastric reflux? Chest (2018) 153(4).

12.Jianjun Ren#, Yu Zhao*, Shi Huang#, Dan Lv, Fengling Yang, Lin Lou, Yongbo Zheng, Jie Zhang, Shixi Liu, Nan Zhang, Claus Bachert, Immunomodulatory Effect of Bifidobacterium breve on Experimental Allergic Rhinitis in BALB/c Mice, EXP THER MED,2018Nov; 16: 3996--44004.