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《Science》(科学杂志)是一份由美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science,简称AAAS)出版的著名科学杂志。该杂志创建于1880年,是全球最具影响力和知名度的跨学科科学期刊之一。该杂志以发表高质量、原创性的科学研究论文和评论而闻名,涵盖了各个科学领域,包括生命科学、物理学、化学、地球与环境科学、工程技术等。它是科学领域内同行评议制度的支持者,通过评审和编辑确保所发表的研究具有学术水平和可靠性。除了研究论文外,该杂志还经常刊发关于科学前沿、科学政策、科学教育和科学社会问题的评论文章。《Science》还定期发布一些专题特刊,深入探讨特定主题或领域的最新进展。因其在科学界的声望和影响力,《Science》成为科学家们追求学术卓越和科学创新的重要平台之一。最新影响因子为56.9。


VOLUME 383|ISSUE 6688|15 MAR 2024


1.Cryptic diversity of cellulose-degrading gut bacteria in industrialized humans





Humans, like all mammals, depend on the gut microbiome for digestion of cellulose, the main component of plant fiber. However, evidence for cellulose fermentation in the human gut is scarce. We have identified ruminococcal species in the gut microbiota of human populations that assemble functional multienzymatic cellulosome structures capable of degrading plant cell wall polysaccharides. One of these species, which is strongly associated with humans, likely originated in the ruminant gut and was subsequently transferred to the human gut, potentially during domestication where it underwent diversification and diet-related adaptation through the acquisition of genes from other gut microbes. Collectively, these species are abundant and widespread among ancient humans, hunter-gatherers, and rural populations but are rare in populations from industrialized societies thus indicating potential disappearance in response to the westernized lifestyle.



2. Oral administration of obeldesivir protects nonhuman primates against Sudan ebolavirus





Obeldesivir (ODV, GS-5245) is an orally administered prodrug of the parent nucleoside of remdesivir (RDV) and is presently in phase 3 trials for COVID-19 treatment. In this work, we show that ODV and its circulating parent nucleoside metabolite, GS-441524, have similar in vitro antiviral activity against filoviruses, including Marburg virus, Ebola virus, and Sudan virus (SUDV). We also report that once-daily oral ODV treatment of cynomolgus monkeys for 10 days beginning 24 hours after SUDV exposure confers 100% protection against lethal infection. Transcriptomics data show that ODV treatment delayed the onset of inflammation and correlated with antigen presentation and lymphocyte activation. Our results offer promise for the further development of ODV to control outbreaks of filovirus disease more rapidly.


奥贝德西韦(Obeldesivir, ODV, GS-5245)是瑞德西韦(remdesivir, RDV)母体核苷的口服前体药,目前正在进行COVID-19治疗的3期试验。在这项工作中,研究人员发现ODV及其循环母体核苷代谢物GS-441524对丝状病毒具有相似的体外抗病毒活性,包括马尔堡病毒、埃博拉病毒和苏丹埃博拉病毒(Sudan virus,SUDV)。研究人员还报道,在SUDV暴露后24小时内食蟹猴每天一次口服ODV治疗10天,可100%预防致命感染。转录组学数据显示,ODV治疗延迟了炎症发展,并与抗原呈递和淋巴细胞活化相关。研究人员的结果为进一步发展ODV以更快地控制丝状病毒病的爆发提供了希望。

3. Structural basis of U12-type intron engagement by the fully assembled human minor spliceosome





The minor spliceosome, which is responsible for the splicing of U12-type introns, comprises five small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), of which only one is shared with the major spliceosome. In this work, we report the 3.3-angstrom cryo–electron microscopy structure of the fully assembled human minor spliceosome pre-B complex. The atomic model includes U11 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP), U12 snRNP, and U4atac/U6atac.U5 tri-snRNP. U11 snRNA is recognized by five U11-specific proteins (20K, 25K, 35K, 48K, and 59K) and the heptameric Sm ring. The 3′ half of the 5′-splice site forms a duplex with U11 snRNA; the 5′ half is recognized by U11-35K, U11-48K, and U11 snRNA. Two proteins, CENATAC and DIM2/TXNL4B, specifically associate with the minor tri-snRNP. A structural analysis uncovered how two conformationally similar tri-snRNPs are differentiated by the minor and major prespliceosomes for assembly.


负责U12型内含子剪接的次要剪接体由5个小核RNA (snRNAs)组成,其中只有一个与主要剪接体共享。在这项工作中,研究人员报道了完全组装的人类次要剪接体pre-B复合体的3.3埃米冷冻电镜结构。原子模型包括U11小核核糖核蛋白(snRNP)、U12 snRNP和U4atac/U6atac.U5 tri-snRNP。U11 snRNA由5种U11特异性蛋白(20K、25K、35K、48K和59K)和七聚体Sm环识别。5'剪接位点的3 '半与U11 snRNA形成双链;5'半部分被U11- 35k、U11- 48k和U11 snRNA识别。两个蛋白,CENATAC和DIM2/TXNL4B,与次要tri-snRNP特异性结合。结构分析揭示了两种结构类似的tri-snRNPs是如何被主要和次要的剪接前体区分和组装的。

4. Generalized fear after acute stress is caused by change in neuronal cotransmitter identity





Overgeneralization of fear to harmless situations is a core feature of anxiety disorders resulting from acute stress, yet the mechanisms by which fear becomes generalized are poorly understood. In this study, we show that generalized fear in mice results from a transmitter switch from glutamate to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in serotonergic neurons of the lateral wings of the dorsal raphe. Similar change in transmitter identity was found in the postmortem brains of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Overriding the transmitter switch in mice prevented the acquisition of generalized fear. Corticosterone release and activation of glucocorticoid receptors mediated the switch, and prompt antidepressant treatment blocked the cotransmitter switch and generalized fear. Our results provide important insight into the mechanisms involved in fear generalization.




VOLUME 383|ISSUE 6689|22 MAR 2024


1. Evolution-inspired engineering of nonribosomal peptide synthetases





Many clinically used drugs are derived from or inspired by bacterial natural products that often are produced through nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), megasynthetases that activate and join individual amino acids in an assembly line fashion. In this work, we describe a detailed phylogenetic analysis of several bacterial NRPSs that led to the identification of yet undescribed recombination sites within the thiolation (T) domain that can be used for NRPS engineering. We then developed an evolution-inspired “eXchange Unit between T domains” (XUT) approach, which allows the assembly of NRPS fragments over a broad range of GC contents, protein similarities, and extender unit specificities, as demonstrated for the specific production of a proteasome inhibitor designed and assembled from five different NRPS fragments.



2. Adaptive introgression of a visual preference gene





Visual preferences are important drivers of mate choice and sexual selection, but little is known of how they evolve at the genetic level. In this study, we took advantage of the diversity of bright warning patterns displayed by Heliconius butterflies, which are also used during mate choice. Combining behavioral, population genomic, and expression analyses, we show that two Heliconius species have evolved the same preferences for red patterns by exchanging genetic material through hybridization. Neural expression of regucalcin1 correlates with visual preference across populations, and disruption of regucalcin1 with CRISPR-Cas9 impairs courtship toward conspecific females, providing a direct link between gene and behavior. Our results support a role for hybridization during behavioral evolution and show how visually guided behaviors contributing to adaptation and speciation are encoded within the genome.




VOLUME 383|ISSUE 6690|29 MAR 2024


1. Vocal learning–associated convergent evolution in mammalian proteins and regulatory elements



美国卡耐基梅隆大学计算生物系和神经科学研究所、加州大学伯克利分校Helen Wills 神经科学研究所


Vocal production learning (“vocal learning”) is a convergently evolved trait in vertebrates. To identify brain genomic elements associated with mammalian vocal learning, we integrated genomic, anatomical, and neurophysiological data from the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) with analyses of the genomes of 215 placental mammals. First, we identified a set of proteins evolving more slowly in vocal learners. Then, we discovered a vocal motor cortical region in the Egyptian fruit bat, an emergent vocal learner, and leveraged that knowledge to identify active cis-regulatory elements in the motor cortex of vocal learners. Machine learning methods applied to motor cortex open chromatin revealed 50 enhancers robustly associated with vocal learning whose activity tended to be lower in vocal learners. Our research implicates convergent losses of motor cortex regulatory elements in mammalian vocal learning evolution.


发声学习(“声学习”)是脊椎动物的一种趋同进化特征。为了确定与哺乳动物发声学习相关的大脑基因组元件,研究人员整合了埃及果蝠(Rousettus aegyptiacus)的基因组、解剖学和神经生理学数据及215种胎生哺乳动物的基因组数据。首先,研究人员确定了一组在发声学习者中进化缓慢的蛋白质。然后,研究人员发现了埃及果蝠(一种新兴的声音学习者)的一个声音运动皮层区域,在此发现基础上识别声音学习者运动皮层中的活性顺式调节元件。应用于运动皮质开放染色质的机器学习方法揭示了50个与声乐学习密切相关但活性较低的增强子。研究人员的研究揭示了在哺乳动物声乐学习进化中运动皮质调节元件的趋同损失。

2. BCG vaccination reduces bovine tuberculosis transmission, improving prospects for elimination



埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴大学Aklilu Lemma病理学研究所、英国剑桥大学动物医学系和美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Huck生命科学研究所


Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a routinely used vaccine for protecting children against Mycobacterium tuberculosis that comprises attenuated Mycobacterium bovis. BCG can also be used to protect livestock against M. bovis; however, its effectiveness has not been quantified for this use. We performed a natural transmission experiment to directly estimate the rate of transmission to and from vaccinated and unvaccinated calves over a 1-year exposure period. The results show a higher indirect efficacy of BCG to reduce transmission from vaccinated animals that subsequently become infected [74%; 95% credible interval (CrI): 46 to 98%] compared with direct protection against infection (58%; 95% CrI: 34 to 73%) and an estimated total efficacy of 89% (95% CrI: 74 to 96%). A mechanistic transmission model of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) spread within the Ethiopian dairy sector was developed and showed how the prospects for elimination may be enabled by routine BCG vaccination of cattle.


卡介苗(BCG)是一种用于保护儿童免受结核分枝杆菌包括减毒牛分枝杆菌感染的常用疫苗。卡介苗还可用于保护牲畜免受牛分枝杆菌感染。然而,这种治疗的有效性还没有得到量化。研究人员进行了一项自然传播实验以直接估计1年暴露期内接种疫苗和未接种疫苗小牛之间的传播率。结果显示,相比于直接预防感染 (58%,95% CI:34 ~ 73%),卡介苗对减少已接种但随后感染的动物的传播间接效力较高[74%,95%CI:46 - 98%],总有效率估计为89% (95% CI:74 ~ 96%)。我们开发了一个牛结核病(bTB)在埃塞俄比亚乳业部门传播的机械传播模型,这个模型展示了通过给牛常规接种卡介苗,如何实现消除牛结核病的前景。

3. Design of a SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease inhibitor with antiviral efficacy in a mouse model



美国罗格斯大学Ernest Mario药学院药物化学系和化学与化学生物系、俄克拉何马州立大学动物医学院生理科学系


The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and drug-resistant mutants calls for additional oral antivirals. The SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease (PLpro) is a promising but challenging drug target. We designed and synthesized 85 noncovalent PLpro inhibitors that bind to a recently discovered ubiquitin binding site and the known BL2 groove pocket near the S4 subsite. Leads inhibited PLpro with the inhibitory constant Ki values from 13.2 to 88.2 nanomolar. The co-crystal structures of PLpro with eight leads revealed their interaction modes. The in vivo lead Jun12682 inhibited SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, including nirmatrelvir-resistant strains with EC50 from 0.44 to 2.02 micromolar. Oral treatment with Jun12682 improved survival and reduced lung viral loads and lesions in a SARS-CoV-2 infection mouse model, suggesting that PLpro inhibitors are promising oral SARS-CoV-2 antiviral candidates.


严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)变体和耐药突变体的出现需要更多的口服抗病毒药物。SARS-CoV-2木瓜蛋白酶样蛋白酶(PLpro)是一个有前景但同时有挑战性的药物靶点。我们设计并合成了85种结合至新发现的泛素结合位点和已知的S4亚基位点附近的BL2凹槽袋的非共价PLpro抑制剂。先导PLpro的抑制常数Ki值在13.2 ~ 88.2nmol。PLpro和8个先导抑制剂的共晶结构揭示了它们的相互作用模式。体内首选药物Jun12682抑制SARS-CoV-2及其变体,包括耐尼马特瑞韦菌株(EC50 0.44~2.02 mmol)。口服Jun12682可改善SARS-CoV-2感染小鼠的生存率并减少肺部病毒载量和病变范围,表明PLpro抑制剂是具有前景的口服SARS-CoV-2抗病毒候选药物。

4.Mechanism for feature learning in neural networks and backpropagation-free machine learning models





Understanding how neural networks learn features, or relevant patterns in data, for prediction is necessary for their reliable use in technological and scientific applications. In this work, we presented a unifying mathematical mechanism, known as average gradient outer product (AGOP), that characterized feature learning in neural networks. We provided empirical evidence that AGOP captured features learned by various neural network architectures, including transformer-based language models, convolutional networks, multilayer perceptrons, and recurrent neural networks. Moreover, we demonstrated that AGOP, which is backpropagation-free, enabled feature learning in machine learning models, such as kernel machines, that a priori could not identify task-specific features. Overall, we established a fundamental mechanism that captured feature learning in neural networks and enabled feature learning in general machine learning models.



5. Oxygen imaging of hypoxic pockets in the mouse cerebral cortex





Consciousness is lost within seconds upon cessation of cerebral blood flow. The brain cannot store oxygen, and interruption of oxidative phosphorylation is fatal within minutes. Yet only rudimentary knowledge exists regarding cortical partial oxygen tension (Po2) dynamics under physiological conditions. Here we introduce Green enhanced Nano-lantern (GeNL), a genetically encoded bioluminescent oxygen indicator for Po2 imaging. In awake behaving mice, we uncover the existence of spontaneous, spatially defined "hypoxic pockets" and demonstrate their linkage to the abrogation of local capillary flow. Exercise reduced the burden of hypoxic pockets by 52% compared with rest. The study provides insight into cortical oxygen dynamics in awake behaving animals and concurrently establishes a tool to delineate the importance of oxygen tension in physiological processes and neurological diseases.


意识在脑血流中断后几秒内消失。大脑不能储存氧气,中断氧化磷酸化反应数分钟对大脑是致命的打击。然而,关于生理条件下皮质部分氧压(Po2)动力学的知识还在初步阶段。在这里,我们提出了绿色增强纳米灯(Green enhanced Nano-lantern,GeNL),一种用于PO2成像的基因编码的生物发光氧指示器。研究人员在清醒行为的小鼠中发现了天然存在且空间上定义的“缺氧口袋”,并证明了它们与局部毛细血管流动的消失有关。与休息行为相比,运动使“缺氧口袋”的负担减轻了52%。该研究深入了解了清醒行为动物的皮质氧动力学,同时也建立了一种工具用来说明氧压在生理过程和神经系统疾病中的重要性。

6. Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripples





Experiences need to be tagged during learning for further consolidation. However, neurophysiological mechanisms that select experiences for lasting memory are not known. By combining large-scale neural recordings in mice with dimensionality reduction techniques, we observed that successive maze traversals were tracked by continuously drifting populations of neurons, providing neuronal signatures of both places visited and events encountered. When the brain state changed during reward consumption, sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) occurred on some trials, and their specific spike content decoded the trial blocks that surrounded them. During postexperience sleep, SPW-Rs continued to replay those trial blocks that were reactivated most frequently during waking SPW-Rs. Replay content of awake SPW-Rs may thus provide a neurophysiological tagging mechanism to select aspects of experience that are preserved and consolidated for future use.




VOLUME 384|ISSUE 6691|5 APR 2024


1. Apoptotic cell identity induces distinct functional responses to IL-4 in efferocytic macrophages



德国汉堡-埃彭多夫大学医学中心医学部和Bernhard Nocht热带医学研究所


Macrophages are functionally heterogeneous cells essential for apoptotic cell clearance. Apoptotic cells are defined by homogeneous characteristics, ignoring their original cell lineage identity. We found that in an interleukin-4 (IL-4)-enriched environment, the sensing of apoptotic neutrophils by macrophages triggered their tissue remodeling signature. Engulfment of apoptotic hepatocytes promoted a tolerogenic phenotype, whereas phagocytosis of T cells had little effect on IL-4-induced gene expression. In a mouse model of parasite-induced pathology, the transfer of macrophages conditioned with IL-4 and apoptotic neutrophils promoted parasitic egg clearance. Knockout of phagocytic receptors required for the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils and partially T cells, but not hepatocytes, exacerbated helminth infection. These findings suggest that the identity of apoptotic cells may contribute to the development of distinct IL-4-driven immune programs in macrophages.



2. Removal of Pseudomonas type IV pili by a small RNA virus





The retractile type IV pilus (T4P) is important for virulence of the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) phage PP7 binds to T4P and is brought to the cell surface through pilus retraction. Using fluorescence microscopy, we discovered that PP7 detaches T4P, which impairs cell motility and restricts the pathogen's virulence. Using cryo-electron microscopy, mutagenesis, optical trapping, and Langevin dynamics simulation, we resolved the structure of PP7, T4P, and the PP7/T4P complex and showed that T4P detachment is driven by the affinity between the phage maturation protein and its bound pilin, plus the pilus retraction force and speed, and pilus bending. Pilus detachment may be widespread among other ssRNA phages and their retractile pilus systems and offers new prospects for antibacterial prophylaxis and therapeutics.


可收缩的IV型菌毛(T4P)对机会性人类病原体铜绿假单胞菌的毒力至关重要。与T4P结合的单链RNA (ssRNA)噬菌体PP7通过菌毛回缩带至细胞表面。通过荧光显微镜,我们发现PP7与T4P分离,从而损害了细胞运动并限制病原体毒力。通过低温电子显微镜、诱变、光学捕获和郎之万动力学模拟,我们解析了PP7、T4P和PP7/T4P复合物的结构,发现T4P的分离是由噬菌体成熟蛋白与其结合的菌毛蛋白之间的亲和力、菌毛的收缩力和速度以及菌毛的弯曲驱动的。菌毛脱落在其他ssRNA噬菌体及其可收缩的菌毛脱落系统中广泛存在,为抗菌预防和治疗提供了新的前景。

3.Bronchoconstriction damages airway epithelia by crowding-induced excess cell extrusion





Asthma is deemed an inflammatory disease, yet the defining diagnostic feature is mechanical bronchoconstriction. We previously discovered a conserved process called cell extrusion that drives homeostatic epithelial cell death when cells become too crowded. In this work, we show that the pathological crowding of a bronchoconstrictive attack causes so much epithelial cell extrusion that it damages the airways, resulting in inflammation and mucus secretion in both mice and humans. Although relaxing the airways with the rescue treatment albuterol did not affect these responses, inhibiting live cell extrusion signaling during bronchoconstriction prevented all these features. Our findings show that bronchoconstriction causes epithelial damage and inflammation by excess crowding-induced cell extrusion and suggest that blocking epithelial extrusion, instead of the ensuing downstream inflammation, could prevent the feed-forward asthma inflammatory cycle.



4.Antibacterial activity of nonantibiotics is orthogonal to standard antibiotics





Numerous nonantibiotic drugs have potent antibacterial activity and can adversely affect the human microbiome. The mechanistic underpinning of this toxicity remains largely unknown. We investigated the antibacterial activity of 200 drugs using genetic screens with thousands of barcoded Escherichia coli knockouts. We analyzed 2 million gene-drug interactions underlying drug-specific toxicity. Network-based analysis of drug-drug similarities revealed that antibiotics clustered into modules that are consistent with the mode of action of their established classes, whereas nonantibiotics remained unconnected. Half of the nonantibiotics clustered into separate modules, potentially revealing shared and unexploited targets for new antimicrobials. Analysis of efflux systems revealed that they widely affect antibiotics and nonantibiotics alike, suggesting that the impact of nonantibiotics on antibiotic cross-resistance should be investigated closely in vivo.



5.De novo design of drug-binding proteins with predictable binding energy and specificity





The de novo design of small molecule-binding proteins has seen exciting recent progress; however, high-affinity binding and tunable specificity typically require laborious screening and optimization after computational design. We developed a computational procedure to design a protein that recognizes a common pharmacophore in a series of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibitors. One of three designed proteins bound different inhibitors with affinities ranging from <5 nM to low micromolar. X-ray crystal structures confirmed the accuracy of the designed protein-drug interactions. Molecular dynamics simulations informed the role of water in binding. Binding free energy calculations performed directly on the designed models were in excellent agreement with the experimentally measured affinities. We conclude that de novo design of high-affinity small molecule-binding proteins with tuned interaction energies is feasible entirely from computation.


最近,小分子结合蛋白的从头设计取得了令人兴奋的进展。但是高亲和力结合和可调特异性通常需要经过计算设计后进行费心力的筛选和优化。我们开发了一种计算程序,用于设计在一系列聚(ADP核糖)聚合酶-1抑制剂中识别共同的药效团的蛋白质。三种设计的蛋白质中的一种与不同抑制剂结合,其亲和力范围从较高的5 nM到较低的微摩尔不等。X-射线晶体结构证实了设计的蛋白质-药物相互作用的准确性。分子动力学模拟揭示了水在结合中的作用。直接在设计模型上进行的结合自由能计算与实验测量的亲和力非常吻合。我们得出结论,完全通过计算来实现具有调节作用的高亲和力小分子结合蛋白的从头设计是可行的。


VOLUME 384|ISSUE 6692|12 APR 2024


1.Sexual dimorphism in skin immunity is mediated by an androgen-ILC2-dendritic cell axis

皮肤免疫中的两性二态性是由雄激素- ILC2-树突状细胞轴介导的




Males and females exhibit profound differences in immune responses and disease susceptibility. However, the factors responsible for sex differences in tissue immunity remain poorly understood. Here, we uncovered a dominant role for type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in shaping sexual immune dimorphism within the skin. Mechanistically, negative regulation of ILC2s by androgens leads to a reduction in dendritic cell accumulation and activation in males, along with reduced tissue immunity. Collectively, our results reveal a role for the androgen-ILC2-dendritic cell axis in controlling sexual immune dimorphism. Moreover, this work proposes that tissue immune set points are defined by the dual action of sex hormones and the microbiota, with sex hormones controlling the strength of local immunity and microbiota calibrating its tone.



2. Two inhibitory neuronal classes govern acquisition and recall of spinal sensorimotor adaptation





Spinal circuits are central to movement adaptation, yet the mechanisms within the spinal cord responsible for acquiring and retaining behavior upon experience remain unclear. Using a simple conditioning paradigm, we found that dorsal inhibitory neurons are indispensable for adapting protective limb-withdrawal behavior by regulating the transmission of a specific set of somatosensory information to enhance the saliency of conditioning cues associated with limb position. By contrast, maintaining previously acquired motor adaptation required the ventral inhibitory Renshaw cells. Manipulating Renshaw cells does not affect the adaptation itself but flexibly alters the expression of adaptive behavior. These findings identify a circuit basis involving two distinct populations of spinal inhibitory neurons, which enables lasting sensorimotor adaptation independently from the brain.




VOLUME 384|ISSUE 6693|19 APR 2024


1. Phage predation, disease severity, and pathogen genetic diversity in cholera patients





Despite an increasingly detailed picture of the molecular mechanisms of phage-bacterial interactions, we lack an understanding of how these interactions evolve and impact disease within patients. Here we report a year-long, nation-wide study of diarrheal disease patients in Bangladesh. Among cholera patients, we quantified Vibrio cholerae (prey) and its virulent phages (predators) using metagenomics and quantitative PCR, while accounting for antibiotic exposure using quantitative mass spectrometry. Virulent phage (ICP1) and antibiotics suppressed V. cholerae to varying degrees and were inversely associated with severe dehydration depending on resistance mechanisms. In the absence of anti-phage defenses, predation was 'effective,' with a high predator: prey ratio that correlated with increased genetic diversity among the prey. In the presence of anti-phage defenses, predation was 'ineffective,' with a lower predator: prey ratio that correlated with increased genetic diversity among the predators. Phage-bacteria coevolution within patients should therefore be considered in the deployment of phage-based therapies and diagnostics.



2. Drugs of abuse hijack a mesolimbic pathway that processes homeostatic need





Drugs of abuse are thought to promote addiction in part by "hijacking" brain reward systems, but the underlying mechanisms remain undefined. Using whole-brain FOS mapping and in vivo single-neuron calcium imaging, we found that drugs of abuse augment dopaminoceptive ensemble activity in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and disorganize overlapping ensemble responses to natural rewards in a cell type-specific manner. Combining FOS-Seq, CRISPR-perturbation, and single-nucleus RNA sequencing, we identified Rheb as a molecular substrate that regulates cell type-specific signal transduction in NAc while enabling drugs to suppress natural reward consumption. Mapping NAc-projecting regions activated by drugs of abuse revealed input-specific effects on natural reward consumption. These findings characterize the dynamic, molecular and circuit basis of a common reward pathway, wherein drugs of abuse interfere with the fulfillment of innate needs.



3. Neuroendocrine cells initiate protective upper airway reflexes





Airway neuroendocrine (NE) cells have been proposed to serve as specialized sensory epithelial cells that modulate respiratory behavior by communicating with nearby nerve endings. However, their functional properties and physiological roles in the healthy lung, trachea, and larynx remain largely unknown. In this work, we show that murine NE cells in these compartments have distinct biophysical properties but share sensitivity to two commonly aspirated noxious stimuli, water and acid. Moreover, we found that tracheal and laryngeal NE cells protect the airways by releasing adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) to activate purinoreceptive sensory neurons that initiate swallowing and expiratory reflexes. Our work uncovers the broad molecular and biophysical diversity of NE cells across the airways and reveals mechanisms by which these specialized excitable cells serve as sentinels for activating protective responses.



4. Directed and acyclic synaptic connectivity in the human layer 2-3 cortical microcircuit





The computational capabilities of neuronal networks are fundamentally constrained by their specific connectivity. Previous studies of cortical connectivity have mostly been carried out in rodents; whether the principles established therein also apply to the evolutionarily expanded human cortex is unclear. We studied network properties within the human temporal cortex using samples obtained from brain surgery. We analyzed multineuron patch-clamp recordings in layer 2-3 pyramidal neurons and identified substantial differences compared with rodents. Reciprocity showed random distribution, synaptic strength was independent from connection probability, and connectivity of the supragranular temporal cortex followed a directed and mostly acyclic graph topology. Application of these principles in neuronal models increased dimensionality of network dynamics, suggesting a critical role for cortical computation.




VOLUME 384 | ISSUE 6694 | 26 APR 2024


1. Ciliopathy patient variants reveal organelle-specific functions for TUBB4B in axonemal microtubules





Tubulin, one of the most abundant cytoskeletal building blocks, has numerous isotypes in metazoans encoded by different conserved genes. Whether these distinct isotypes form cell type- and context-specific microtubule structures is poorly understood. Based on a cohort of 12 patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia as well as mouse mutants, we identified and characterized variants in the TUBB4B isotype that specifically perturbed centriole and cilium biogenesis. Distinct TUBB4B variants differentially affected microtubule dynamics and cilia formation in a dominant-negative manner. Structure-function studies revealed that different TUBB4B variants disrupted distinct tubulin interfaces, thereby enabling stratification of patients into three classes of ciliopathic diseases. These findings show that specific tubulin isotypes have distinct and nonredundant subcellular functions and establish a link between tubulinopathies and ciliopathies.



2. Sequence basis of transcription initiation in the human genome



美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心Lyda Hill生物信息系和圣裘德儿童研究医院病理科白血病研究卓越中心(CELS)


Transcription initiation is a process that is essential to ensuring the proper function of any gene, yet we still lack a unified understanding of sequence patterns and rules that explain most transcription start sites in the human genome. By predicting transcription initiation at base-pair resolution from sequences with a deep learning-inspired explainable model called Puffin, we show that a small set of simple rules can explain transcription initiation at most human promoters. We identify key sequence patterns that contribute to human promoter activity, each activating transcription with distinct position-specific effects. Furthermore, we explain the sequence basis of bidirectional transcription at promoters, identify the links between promoter sequence and gene expression variation across cell types, and explore the conservation of sequence determinants of transcription initiation across mammalian species.



3. Large-scale chemoproteomics expedites ligand discovery and predicts ligand behavior in cells





Chemical modulation of proteins enables a mechanistic understanding of biology and represents the foundation of most therapeutics. However, despite decades of research, 80% of the human proteome lacks functional ligands. Chemical proteomics has advanced fragment-based ligand discovery toward cellular systems, but throughput limitations have stymied the scalable identification of fragment-protein interactions. We report proteome-wide maps of protein-binding propensity for 407 structurally diverse small-molecule fragments. We verified that identified interactions can be advanced to active chemical probes of E3 ubiquitin ligases, transporters, and kinases. Integrating machine learning binary classifiers further enabled interpretable predictions of fragment behavior in cells. The resulting resource of fragment-protein interactions and predictive models will help to elucidate principles of molecular recognition and expedite ligand discovery efforts for hitherto undrugged proteins.



4. Vitamin D regulates microbiome-dependent cancer immunity





A role for vitamin D in immune modulation and in cancer has been suggested. In this work, we report that mice with increased availability of vitamin D display greater immune-dependent resistance to transplantable cancers and augmented responses to checkpoint blockade immunotherapies. Similarly, in humans, vitamin D-induced genes correlate with improved responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment as well as with immunity to cancer and increased overall survival. In mice, resistance is attributable to the activity of vitamin D on intestinal epithelial cells, which alters microbiome composition in favor of Bacteroides fragilis, which positively regulates cancer immunity. Our findings indicate a previously unappreciated connection between vitamin D, microbial commensal communities, and immune responses to cancer. Collectively, they highlight vitamin D levels as a potential determinant of cancer immunity and immunotherapy success.



5. Food perception promotes phosphorylation of MFFS131 and mitochondrial fragmentation in liver





Liver mitochondria play a central role in metabolic adaptations to changing nutritional states, yet their dynamic regulation upon anticipated changes in nutrient availability has remained unaddressed. Here, we found that sensory food perception rapidly induced mitochondrial fragmentation in the liver through protein kinase B/AKT (AKT)-dependent phosphorylation of serine 131 of the mitochondrial fission factor (MFFS131). This response was mediated by activation of hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-expressing neurons. A nonphosphorylatable MFFS131G knock-in mutation abrogated AKT-induced mitochondrial fragmentation in vitro. In vivo, MFFS131G knock-in mice displayed altered liver mitochondrial dynamics and impaired insulin-stimulated suppression of hepatic glucose production. Thus, rapid activation of a hypothalamus-liver axis can adapt mitochondrial function to anticipated changes of nutritional state in control of hepatic glucose metabolism.


肝脏线粒体在营养状态变化的代谢适应中起着核心作用,但它们在营养供应预期变化的动态调节问题尚未得到解决。在这里,我们发现感官食物的感知通过蛋白激酶B/AKT (AKT)-依赖性线粒体裂变因子(MFFS131)丝氨酸131的磷酸化迅速诱导肝脏线粒体断裂。这种反应是由下丘脑表达的阿黑皮素原(POMC)神经激活介导的。在体外试验中,一个非磷酸化的MFFS131G 敲入突变消除了AKT诱导的线粒体断裂。在体内试验中,MFFS131G 敲入小鼠表现出肝脏线粒体动力学改变和胰岛素刺激下对肝脏葡萄糖产生的抑制作用受损。因此,下丘脑-肝脏轴的快速激活能使线粒体功能与预期的营养状态变化相适应,从而调控肝脏葡萄糖代谢。


汇报人: 王欣怡

